TOP 5 MOVES TO MAKE (In Discerning your State of Life)

Repost from CFC-FFL page.

  1. Dare to PRAY

Ask God what He wants you to do. If you do not learn how to pray and listen to God’s voice, how can you possibly hear what He wants us to do in our lives? We need to sit still and listen as He tells us what that plan is.


  1. Dare to TRUST

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths”. Proverbs 3:5-6

It is about the faith that you get throughout the whole discernment process. It is a difficult time with the struggle with uncertainty, but the faith that God gives you at the time is something that you will be in need of someday when you become husband or a wife, a priest or a nun or a consecrated lay person.


  1. Dare to be Silent

In order to hear God’s voice, you have to make time for silent prayers. Breathe silence in your life especially nowadays wherein there is so much noise. Alongside with silent prayer, receive grace from the sacraments as often as you can.


  1. Dare to Seek Help


To discern alone is not the way to go. Be humble to get a good spiritual direction either from a priest, a nun, a good parent or a youth minister. They will be there to help you find out God’s plan really is for your life.


  1. Dare to be Open


Be courageous to be open to get to know yourself deeper, to accept who you truly are and to love yourself just the way you are. Be open to resolve past issues and hang-ups. Be open to attend search-ins and vocation workshops that may assist you in finding God’s plan for your life.



God bless us all!

